And it's very consonant to reason to suppose that in such a revelation, God should reveal many doctrines that are above human reason: for it would be strange if God should know nothing about himself but what man is capable of knowing by his own natural reason; and therefore if a revelation of God has some doctrines in it that are above the discovery of reason, it would be the more agreeable to reason for that: and therefore the Christian religion may the more reasonably be received and believed for having some such doctrines, such as the doctrines of the Trinity and incarnation and satisfaction of Christ. And indeed, the incarnation and satisfaction of Christ are exceeding reasonable doctrines. A wonderful wisdom and congruity and rationalness appears in them, as might be particularly shown if the time would allow. - WJE 14:232–33
Term Set A: incarnate incarnated incarnation
Term Set B: mystery mysterious glory glorious satisfaction
Max Distance Between Terms = 6
Reference List A/B
13:284 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
14:232 - Sermons and Discourses: 1723-1729 (WJEO 14)
21:140 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith (WJEO 21)
23:147 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
23:225 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
23:493 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:929 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
26:276 - Catalogues of Books (WJEO 26)
42:31 - Sermons, Series II, 1723-1727 (WJEO 42)
43:13 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
48:17 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
Reference List B/A
5:310 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
9:175 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
11:113 - Typological Writings (WJEO 11)
13:284 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
14:232 - Sermons and Discourses: 1723-1729 (WJEO 14)
15:290 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
18:98 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
18:239 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
18:411 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
27:5 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
42:31 - Sermons, Series II, 1723-1727 (WJEO 42)