I can't see why it should be thought more disagreeable to reason to suppose that angels may have influence on matter, so as to cause those alterations in it which are beyond the established laws of matter, more than to suppose that our spirits should have such an influence. And I don't see why other spirits should not have influence on matter according to other laws, or why, if we suppose spirits have an influence on matter, that it must necessarily be according to the same established rules as our spirits. We find that from such motions of mind there follows such alteration in such and such matter, according to established rules; and those rules are entirely at the pleasure of him that establishes them: and why we should not think that God establishes other rules for other spirits, I cannot imagine. And if we should suppose, that according to established laws angels do make alterations in the secret springs of bodies, and so of minds, that otherwise would not be, I can't see why it should be accounted more of a miracle [than] that our souls can make alterations in the matter of our hands and feet, which otherwise would not be. - WJE 13:326
1. Different Laws of Nature for Angels, WJEO 13:326
Term Set A: laws influence matter
Term Set B: angels spirits
Max Distance Between Terms = 6
Reference List A/B
2:216 - Religious Affections (WJEO 2)
10:363 - Sermons and Discourses 1720-1723 (WJEO 10)
11:105 - Typological Writings (WJEO 11)
13:235 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
13:326 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
14:170 - Sermons and Discourses: 1723-1729 (WJEO 14)
19:622 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 (WJEO 19)
20:201 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
23:208 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:847 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
50:18 - Sermons, Series II, 1735 (WJEO 50)
52:6 - Sermons, Series II, 1737 (WJEO 52)
Reference List B/A
2:141 - Religious Affections (WJEO 2)
4:253 - The Great Awakening (WJEO 4)
13:166 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
13:235 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
13:295 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
13:326 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
19:268 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 (WJEO 19)
20:354 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
21:298 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith (WJEO 21)
23:167 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:1052 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:1195 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
25:397 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 (WJEO 25)
27:2 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
27:5 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
45:16 - Sermons, Series II, 1729-1731 (WJEO 45)
51:41 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
66:16 - Sermons, Series II, 1748 (WJEO 66)
68:9 - Sermons, Series II, 1750 (WJEO 68)