'Tis an argument that the eclipse of the sun is a type of Christ's death, because the sun suffered a total eclipse miraculously at that time that Christ died.
The sun can be in a total eclipse but a very little while, much less than the moon, though neither of them can always be in an eclipse; so Christ could not, by reason of his divine glory and worthiness, be long held of death, in no measure so long as the saints may be, though it ben't possible that either of them should always be held of it.
The sun's coming out of his eclipse is a figure of his resurrection from the dead. As the sun is restored to light, so the moon that eclipsed him begins to receive light from him, and so to partake of his restored light. So the church, for whose sins Christ died, and who has pierced Christ, rises with Christ, is begotten again to a living hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead [1 Peter 1:3], and is made partaker of the life and power of his resurrection, and is partaker of the glory of his exaltation, is raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places [Ephesians 2:6]. In him they live, yet not they, but Christ lives in them [Galatians 2:20]; and they are married to him that is risen from the dead. God, having raised Christ, quickens them who were totally dark and dead in trespasses and sins; and they are revived by God's power according to the exceeding greatness of his power that wrought in Christ Jesus when he raised him from the dead. - WJE 15:291–92
Term Set A: eclipse
Term Set B: sun moon
Max Distance Between Terms = 10
Reference List A/B
11:77 - Typological Writings (WJEO 11)
15:291 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:331 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
20:301 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
Reference List B/A
15:290 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:291 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:292 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
19:710 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 (WJEO 19)
24:466 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
48:40 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
52:23 - Sermons, Series II, 1737 (WJEO 52)