If we look on these shadows of divine things as the voice of God, purposely, by them, teaching us these and those spiritual and divine things, to show of what excellent advantage it will be, how agreeably and clearly it will tend to convey instruction to our minds, and to impress things on the mind, and to affect the mind. By that we may as it were hear God speaking to us. Wherever we are and whatever we are about, we may see divine things excellently represented and held forth, and it will abundantly tend to confirm the Scriptures, for there is an excellent agreement between these things and the Holy Scriptures. – Jonathan Edwards, “Image,” no. 70
October 5 Project Update: The Types Explorer software (part of the Visual Edwards Project) is coming along wonderfully with much of the development complete. This software will be integral to identifying and visualizing themes and nexus points within thousands of types/emblems from 20+ systems (including Edwards’s) for a forthcoming book.
Types Explorer ambitiously visualizes Edwards’s notebook “Images of Divine Things” and compares and concatenates his program of natural typology with biblical imagery and the wider emblem book genre of the early modern period.
Annotate, edit, and search… Types Explorer weaves together a typological universe of the ages.