That the HEATHEN PHILOSOPHERS had their notions of the unity of God, of the Trinity, of the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the general conflagration, etc. by tradition, from the first ages of the world and from the Jewish nation, is manifest by their own testimony. And many things they say show that they suppose that they had these things by tradition, from those that were divinely instructed and inspired of God. - WJE 20:222
Term Set A: heathen
Term Set B: judgment congflagration immortality
Max Distance Between Terms = 10
Reference List A/B
3:315 - Original Sin (WJEO 3)
8:522 - Ethical Writings (WJEO 8)
20:348 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
23:214 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
23:461 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
28:1 - Minor Controversial Writings (WJEO 28)
34:4 - Original Sin Notebook (WJEO 34)
47:37 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 47)
Reference List B/A
3:340 - Original Sin (WJEO 3)
5:402 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
9:455 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
20:226 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
21:408 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith (WJEO 21)
27:3 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
30:7 - Prophecies of the Messiah (WJEO 30)