Reasoning. We know our own existence, and the existence of everything that we are conscious of in our own minds, intuitively. But all our reasoning with respect to real existence depends upon that natural, unavoidable and invariable disposition of the mind, when it sees a thing begin to be, to conclude certainly that there is a cause of it; or if it sees a thing to be in a very orderly, regular and exact manner, to conclude that some design regulated and disposed it. - WJE 6:370
Term Set A: nature natural
Term Set B: exist existence
Max Distance Between Terms = 6
Reference List A/B
WJEO 1:152 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:182 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:185 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:259 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:376 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:386 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 3:122 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:228 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:388 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:401 - Original Sin
WJEO 6:388 - Scientific and Philosophical Writings
WJEO 17:411 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733
WJEO 19:497 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 19:569 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 20:321 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 23:214 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 25:370 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758
Reference List B/A
WJEO 1:185 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:259 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:381 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 3:401 - Original Sin
WJEO 6:370 - Scientific and Philosophical Writings
WJEO 17:50 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733
WJEO 18:191 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 19:568 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 23:202 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:254 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:364 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:451 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
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