God saw meet greatly to diminish the temporal prosperity of the world by the flood, by destroying almost all its inhabitants, and by greatly diminishing the days of the lives of the residue, and more fully bringing the curse on the ground by diminishing its fertility, and the pleasantness and wholesomeness of its fruits, and destroying the ancient purity and healthiness of the air and water, and all the aliment of human bodies, before he thus began the salvation of the world by Christ. God gave Adam before he fell a grant of the earth founded on the covenant of works, but when he fell he lost the inheritance of the earth by this grant. And God was pleased once to take the earth away from mankind by the deluge, to let 'em see the dire effects of the fall in this forfeiture before he gave 'em a new grant of the earth founded on the covenant of grace, and the redemption of Jesus Christ. The destruction of the world by the flood was in the fullness of time, for it was needful that before God gave such an example of the destructive tendency of the fall the world should be full of people, that the terribleness of the effect might be greater, and [the] awful tendency of men's sin the more visible. But yet it was wisely ordered that this destruction should not be at a very great distance from the fall, not so great but that the world had a fresh remembrance of it, and of God's awful threatening denounced on the world thereupon; so that some that were alive till the flood came, or till just before it, might have had it from Adam at first hand. And it was also wisely ordered so early that that preparation for the redemption of Christ that was to be begun afterwards might not be too long delayed. - WJE 18:524–25
Term Set A: flood deluge
Term Set B: curse diminish destroy effects covenant
Max Distance Between Terms = 10
Reference List A/B
3:172 - Original Sin (WJEO 3)
8:382 - Ethical Writings (WJEO 8)
9:152 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:156 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:157 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:297 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:512 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
12:427 - Ecclesiastical Writings (WJEO 12)
15:189 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:307 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:329 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:406 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:444 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
18:524 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
19:323 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 (WJEO 19)
23:200 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
23:383 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:149 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:268 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:446 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:450 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
25:120 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 (WJEO 25)
27:1 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
27:2 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
31:1 - History of Redemption Notebooks (WJEO 31)
33:4 - Misrepresentations Corrected Draft (WJEO 33)
34:2 - Original Sin Notebook (WJEO 34)
43:9 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
47:24 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 47)
51:8 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
51:27 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
52:29 - Sermons, Series II, 1737 (WJEO 52)
53:22 - Sermons, Series II, 1738, and Undated, 1734-1738 (WJEO 53)
62:8 - Sermons, Series II, 1744 (WJEO 62)
Reference List B/A
6:252 - Scientific and Philosophical Writings (WJEO 6)
9:160 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:297 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
15:189 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:444 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
18:524 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
22:358 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
24:149 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:1217 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
31:1 - History of Redemption Notebooks (WJEO 31)
34:5 - Original Sin Notebook (WJEO 34)
43:16 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)