Seeking or following after justification by the works of the law or by our own righteousness, is fatal, as it is a self-exaltation, and upon the account of that high opinion there is of, and dependence upon, our own excellency in it. For doubtless 'tis fatal to our salvation upon the account of that in it, wherein it is especially opposite to God's design in the way of our salvation. This way of man's seeking his own salvation is fatal to man, doubtless because of that in it by which it is contrary to God's way, or to his aim in the way that he has contrived; which is that salvation should be wholly for Christ's sake, and that free grace alone should be exalted, and boasting be excluded, and all glory should belong to God and none to us (Romans 3:27, Ephesians 2:19, Romans 4:2, 1 Corinthians 1:29–31). Doubtless, therefore, seeking justification by the works of the law is fatal upon the account of the boasting that is included in it. The end of the law is that men may be sensible they have nothing of their own to plead. Romans 3:19, "That every mouth may be stopped." - WJE 18:164-65
Term Set A: self
Term Set B: exaltation righteousness justification
Max Distance Between Terms = 6
Reference List A/B
WJEO 1:151 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 1:291 - Freedom of the Will
WJEO 2:155 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:172 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:183 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:196 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:198 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:315 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:317 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:319 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:358 - Religious Affections
WJEO 2:459 - Religious Affections
WJEO 3:293 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:424 - Original Sin
WJEO 4:441 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 4:459 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 4:461 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 4:467 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 4:523 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 7:103 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 7:176 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 7:450 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 7:521 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 9:230 - A History of the Work of Redemption
WJEO 9:333 - A History of the Work of Redemption
WJEO 9:335 - A History of the Work of Redemption
WJEO 9:337 - A History of the Work of Redemption
WJEO 10:339 - Sermons and Discourses, 1720-1723
WJEO 10:524 - Sermons and Discourses, 1720-1723
WJEO 11:91 - Typological Writings
WJEO 11:109 - Typological Writings
WJEO 14:341 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:342 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:343 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:344 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:345 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:346 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:347 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:349 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:352 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:355 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:388 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:395 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:404 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:412 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 15:237 - Notes on Scripture
WJEO 15:240 - Notes on Scripture
WJEO 15:590 - Notes on Scripture
WJEO 16:803 - Letters and Personal Writings
WJEO 18:145 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:164 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:225 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:308 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:341 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:391 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 19:270 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 19:376 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 19:701 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 19:797 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738
WJEO 20:87 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:88 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:89 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:91 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:118 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:210 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 20:370 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 21:347 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith
WJEO 21:357 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith
WJEO 21:462 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith
WJEO 22:126 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:151 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:195 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:256 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:314 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:316 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:317 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:318 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:393 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:397 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 23:84 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:93 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:501 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 23:541 - The "Miscellanies," 1153-1360
WJEO 24:286 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:696 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:742 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:975 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:993 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 25:637 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758
WJEO 25:731 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758
Reference List B/A
WJEO 2:172 - Religious Affections
WJEO 4:172 - The Great Awakening
WJEO 7:103 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 8:239 - Ethical Writings
WJEO 14:341 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 14:412 - Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729
WJEO 18:164 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:391 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 18:523 - The "Miscellanies," 501-832
WJEO 20:210 - The "Miscellanies," 833-1152
WJEO 21:462 - Writings on the Trinity, Grace, and Faith
WJEO 22:151 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
WJEO 22:314 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742