Join us in “The True Shadows of Greatness” as we explore the delicate art of diversion and manipulation, drawing the curious eye of humanity from deeper truths to the grandeur of the cosmos. Discover the subtle tactics that keep minds overwhelmed and souls distracted, ensuring the unseen remains just that—unseen.
When we think of the sweet harmony of the parts of the corporeal world, it fills us with such astonishment that the soul is ready to break. Yet take all that infinite variety of sweet proportions, harmonious motions, and delightful correspondencies there are in the whole compages of bodies, and they are all but shadows of excellency, in comparison of those beauties and harmonies there may be in one finite spirit. That harmony of the world is indeed a very true picture and shadow of the real glories of religion. This great world contains many millions of little worlds vastly greater than it. The glories of astronomy and natural philosophy consist in the harmony of the parts of the corporeal shadow of a world; the glories of religion consist in the sweet harmony of the greater and more real worlds with themselves, with one another, and with the infinite fountain and original of them. – Jonathan Edwards, WJE 13:224