Welcome to Visualizing Jonathan Edwards!
This Week of 12/13/21
Monday (free subscribers): Youth and Young Twigs
Wednesday (paid subscribers): Abraham’s Calling
Friday (paid subscribers): Abraham, Father of Believers
Youth and Young Twigs
VISUAL EDWARDS Results: 'Youth and Young Twigs - WJE' - RBoss
Young twigs are easily bent and made to grow another way, old trees most difficultly. So persons in youth are more easily turned than others. Again, a young plant is much more easily plucked up by the roots, than after it hath long stood and is rooted deep in the ground. So is it more easy to forsake sin in the beginning, than after a long continuance in it. (WJE 11:59)
Include notes: 'False'
Core visualization: 'True'
Visualization: 64 x 36 inches
Term Set A: twigs, plant, roots, roots, roots
Term Set B: youth, young, infants, child, children1
Distance between terms: up to '10'
Labels: 'yes'
Terms A/B:
WJEO 3:266 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:301 - Original Sin
WJEO 22:325 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742
Terms B/A:
WJEO 3:266 - Original Sin
WJEO 3:301 - Original Sin
WJEO 7:376 - The Life of David Brainerd
WJEO 11:59 - Typological Writings
WJEO 17:137 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733
WJEO 24:540 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:709 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:710 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 24:744 - The "Blank Bible"
WJEO 25:105 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758
WJEO 25:106 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758
Visualization color palette: 'PuBuGn'
Highlighted term: 'twigs'
Highlighted term: 'plant'
Highlighted term: 'roots'
Highlighted term: 'youth'
Highlighted term: 'young'
Highlighted term: 'infants'
Highlighted term: 'child'
Highlighted term: 'children'
Background: 'black'
Label Color: 'white'
Visualization layout: 'spring'
Layout seed: '1'
Viewing terms on WJEO pages is enhanced by using the Highlighty Chrome extension (no connection with JESociety). Here is a brief video demo of using the extension with Visual Edwards. Also, here is another video of some experimental features useful for creating screenshots, pdf handouts, etc. I will post more about these in the future.